Troop 123’s Monthly Themes

Our scout troop has set the ball in motion for something that was tried before, but did not completely succeed. That ball is in motion for monthly themes, which range from knot-tying, to music, to engineering, and to sports. These themes serve to liven up the weekly meetings with a central subject that at least one activity per meeting is usually centered around.

These themes have led to many interesting meetings. One in particular that was especially memorable was when a user of the HAM radio services came in to talk about his experiences with communicating with people quite literally all around the world. Getting a license for such practices is as simple as a written test, and then you can transmit signals to wherever your radio can reach! Another meeting involved a local guitarist coming in to play a genre of music he referred to a classical or orchestral metal. Coupled with the psychedelic backdrop he was playing in front of, it made for a very entertaining scout meeting.

Who knows what may await Troop 123’s meetings in the future? What will April or May’s themes be? The answers are yet to come, and the past meetings leave pure anticipation for the future themes for meetings in those very months. Until then, this is Historian Joe signing off!


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