About Us
Leicester MA

Our Mission

The mission of Troop 123 is to help boys in Leicester and the surrounding towns, grow into men who follow in their daily lives the BSA Motto, Oath and Scout Law.


The Boy Scout Law is basically a roadmap for character development: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, clean, brave, and reverent. Opportunities for leadership help develop confidence. Instruction in first aid and emergency preparedness help Scouts prepare to take care of themselves and others when their help is most needed. Religious observance is a regular part of the Boy Scout program.


Boy Scouts learn about their rights and duties as US citizens as part of the early rank requirements. The Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, and Citizenship in the World merit badges help Boy Scouts learn how they can be useful members of larger communities. By learning to take care of the environment, they preserve our natural resources for everyone’s benefit. Boy Scouts also perform service projects to benefit organizations and individuals in the community.

Why You Should Join Us


Camping - Summer Camp

Summer Camp - TVSR

Service to our Community

Contact Information

Scoutmaster: Rick Cehon
phone number
email address
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